happy forの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. is that right ? i'm happy for you . congratulations .
    あっそう よかったね おめでとう
  2. i'm pretty sure that it is . we're all very happy for you .
  3. i was truly happy for being able to meet tasukusan .
    祐さんに出会えて 本当に幸せでした
  4. look , i'm happy for the gig , but who wrote this ?
    聞いて悪いけど 誰が書いだんだ?
  5. i'm happy for you that they agreed to let you go .
    よかったですね わかってもらえて。


  1. "happy expression"の例文
  2. "happy face"の例文
  3. "happy family"の例文
  4. "happy feeling"の例文
  5. "happy few"の例文
  6. "happy for antique collectors"の例文
  7. "happy go lucky"の例文
  8. "happy grin"の例文
  9. "happy guess"の例文
  10. "happy feeling"の例文
  11. "happy few"の例文
  12. "happy for antique collectors"の例文
  13. "happy go lucky"の例文

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